Ministries in Tennessee

Ministries in Tennessee

Ministries in Tennessee

Featuring awesome churches, people, and ministries in the Volunteer state.

Ministries in Tennessee is not affiliated with any church, ministry, or any other religious entity but rather is an online blog featuring fantastic ministries that are making a difference in the world today.

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House of Prayer Clarksville TN

HOPCC Clarksville TN
HOPCC Clarksville TN
HOPCC Clarksville TN
HOPCC Clarksville TN

House Of Prayer Clarksville, TN

House of Prayer Clarksville, TN is a church that has caught the attention of the Ministries in Tennessee’s board of directors for their impressive zeal and their impact on their community. This article will show the history of this remarkable church and its outstanding food pantry and the unbiased help they have to people from all walks of life that they come across in their area. Indeed this is a group that God would approve of as Paul wrote, “We continually remember before our God and Father your works produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” I Thessalonians 1:3 NIV. Therefore, Ministries in Tennessee is enthusiastic about bringing to you this inspiring piece that is sure to renew the vision for souls everywhere.

History of the Church in Clarksville, TN

Clarksville, TN, is a city that is rich in spiritual history. It was founded in 1784 by Dr. Gideon Blackbum, who was an itinerant Presbyterian minister. He began preaching outdoors but eventually organized the First Presbyterian Church in May of 1822. As the city grew, so did the members of this pioneer church. House of Prayer Clarksville, TN, has been a continuance of the growth of this city. Although the pioneer days as well as the founder of Clarksville have died, the Spirit still lives on through this church. Founded in 2004, House of Prayer Clarksville, TN, has carried the torch of revival and love through its powerful ministries. Their Spirit-filled ministry and members continue to grow and meet the needs found in the state’s fifth-largest city. Although the community is constantly changing because of the inflow and outflow of its friends and family of the armed forces, the church here in Clarksville has remained steady and reliable before God and the many people they minister unto.

Food Pantry

House of Prayer Clarksville, TN, has a fantastic food pantry. Countless families struggling to keep food and supplies in their pantries have found comfort and help in this remarkable church’s ministry. Families throughout every city and state in America are in need of food for their daily lives. To meet this need, the Lord has placed this burden upon the church. “And he took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake the loaves; and he gave to the disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all. And they all ate and were filled” Mark6:41-42 ASV. Here, the church’s doors and hearts are always open to the needy and anyone who comes by looking for these much-needed items. The members are serving the community in love and care while providing the food needed to sustain both young and old and every family’s situation that they come across. Therefore, Ministries in Tennessee has found this church to be an outstanding example of what Jesus had taught. “In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: It is more blessed to give than to receive” Acts 20:35 NIV.

Helping People From All Walks of Life

An essential aspect of discipleship of Jesus Christ is the love towards men, women, and children regardless of their walk of life. Jesus said in John 3:16a (ASV), “For God so loved the world,” and also in John 6:37b (ASV), “but him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” House of Prayer Clarksville, TN, has helped people from all walks of life throughout the community. The area is very diverse and requires a wide range of needs that can at times be challenging. This notable church has met these challenges head-on. Helping bring hope, encouragement, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the poor, the wealthy, sick and elderly, to the widows and fatherless, and to both young and old has been a priority for them since day one. Also, Ministries in Tennessee has found that House of Prayer Clarksville, TN has not failed in its military and family outreach, as the city borders a U.S. Army base, Fort Campbell. The military here have brought people from all over the world. The work here has not gone unnoticed.


In conclusion, we at Ministries in Tennessee emphatically approve of the work and ministry that is ongoing in House of Prayer Clarksville, TN. Without a doubt, this church ignites a passion to love people regardless of the need or circumstance. The scriptures are being found to be lived through its members and ministry, and we are glad to have presented this beacon of hope to you.